Sweeping tile flooring.
Regular sweeping will loosen and remove most dirt particles from tiles but, with textured surfaces a vacuum cleaner will be needed. Avoid using the vacuum cleaners that have a rotating drum belt on the bottom and use the vacuum cleaners brush attachments.
Mopping tile flooring.
Tile flooring should be mopped with warm water and the manufacture recommended grout cleaner. For heavier spot cleaning, use a warm damp sponge or cloth. This will help break up the material and allow for easy cleaning.
The infamous Dos and Don’ts
Do – Clean up spills as fast as possible so your grout does not become stained.
Don’t – Use steel wool or any other abrasive material to clean tile with.
Don’t – Use bleach or ammonia-based cleaners because these products will discolor tile grout.
Do – Take precautions when moving heavy objects across any tile floor.
Caulking and sealing advice.
As time passes the caulked areas may become exposed to water. This protects your tiles but, will tend to mold and will need to get replaced if not cleaned.
This goes the same for the tile grout. Overtime it may mold or become discolored. Proper cleaning will keep it looking brand new but, overtime it may need to get replaced.
Talking the time with regular care and maintenance will insure your tile flooring last for years to come.