We a Certified Schluter System Installer and Distributor Company
The Schluter System products are simply amazing and come down to the fact if you can dream it up – more than likely we will be able to create it! In this section we will go over briefly what we can do with these products and give Valvano Carpeting a call to see our, Cincinnati Schluter System deals and pricing.
uncoupling– with DITRA, now cracked tiles can be a thing of the past! The most common subfloors such as Plywood, OSB, and Concrete, well they have their own independent properties as does any tile. This can be a recipe for disaster in environments with excessive moisture, temperature or loads.Damage occurs when the tile, glue, and or subfloor expand or contract at a different rate. This causes the tile material applications to break apart from each other and causes the tile to crack, resulting in an aggravating and often costly repair. The DITRA system “uncouples” your tile from the subfloor allowing for your tile to move independently from the subfloor saving your installation from damage that would have otherwise occurred.
Water Proofing With Ditra
DITRA has a waterproofing property to it as well, having a water tight installation will ensure a long lasting and mold free floor. Made from polyethylene, DITRA prevents spills or any other type of moisture from penetrating the floor and this can potentially cause mold or bacteria to form. When mold and bacteria form, this can lead to personal illness or deterioration of the subfloor.
Vapor management With ditra
DITRA allows for water vapor to easily escape, by using the created free space in the channels of the DITRA System. Allowing for moisture under your tile such as, (moisture escaping fresh concrete) to pass around the floor with ease and escape harmlessly.
Heavy load Distribution With Ditra
DITRA is virtually incompressible when installed it has been scientifically proven to distribute the load and prevent cracking in the tile application. The DITRA system can hold up to even the most extreme weights, such as vehicular traffic and heavy appliances in commercial environments.